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PTC 101 Electrical Safety Requirements for a Telecom Permit to Connect.


This Specification describes the Permit to Connect system which will replace the Type Approval scheme operated by the New Zealand Post Office prior to the establishment of Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited.

The Permit to Connect (or PTC) system will be the means whereby Telecom endeavours to ensure the electrical safety of all equipment that may be connected to a Telecom network, both to the end user and to any other persons who may be called on to work on the associated lines or network equipment. It will also be the means whereby Telecom minimises the amount of sub-standard or incompatible equipment which is connected to the network and which would result in degraded service or even harm to equipment and personnel involved with that network.

Liberalisation of customer premises equipment, wiring and cabling, will be introduced progressively from 1 October 1987. The requirements of this Specification will apply to all new equipment which is to be connected to a Telecom network, including that for which a Type Approval Certificate has already been issued. Telecom will be taking steps to establish the concept of the PTC system with its customers and, as a condition of their service, they will be required to ensure that only equipment with a valid Telepermit label is fitted to Telecom lines terminated in their premises.

It will be in everyone's best interests to support the PTC system and help to ensure that the present high service standards are maintained. All proprietary rights in the PTC or "Telepermit" label will be vested in Telecom and its use will be authorised by Telecom only for equipment that meets the required standards. This Specification explains the procedures involved in arranging testing of equipment and in submitting supporting evidence to Telecom to show that the equipment concerned does, in fact, meet all Telecom requirements. Telecom will view seriously any fraudulent or unauthorised use of the "Telepermit" label.

The PTC system is not intended to provide a set of comprehensive equipment standards such that compliance will guarantee that the performance of any equipment conforms fully with a manufacturer's claims; neither does the granting of a PTC imply Telecom endorsement of any equipment. In simple terms, granting of a PTC only indicates that Telecom has been satisfied that the equipment design meets minimum technical requirements for interfacing with a Telecom network, that the equipment is compatible with that network, and that the risk of problems to the network or to other customers will be minimised.

Experience in a liberalised telecommunications market is expected to lead to further development of this Specification to cover any problems that arise. Applicants should thus note that some changes are likely to be made in the future, especially as regards improvements in covering the development of equipment software. Telecom recognises the difficulty of ensuring continuing equipment compliance without rigid control of software development, but will endeavour to establish procedures acceptable to all concerned.

This Specification describes a "relaxed system" for granting Permits to Connect. The exact nature of the relaxations will vary from one type of equipment to another and will depend on the ability of the manufacturer to test and formally certify the performance of new designs of equipment. However, the concept of the relaxed system is to allow the development of manufacturer self-certification in any of its many forms, such that Telecom can be assured that all equipment which is to be connected to its network will provide the required degree of electrical safety and avoidance of harm to the network and its services.

From the manufacturer's viewpoint, testing costs may be reduced by the ability to avoid costly re-testing by an independent laboratory and additional flexibility will be available to react to market needs without the risk of delays in the Telecom PTC process.

The testing procedures specified are regarded by Telecom only as the initial means of developing the liberalisation of telecommunications in New Zealand and such procedures are likely to be subject to progressive change in the light of practical experience. Such changes will be introduced in conjunction with industry and users with the aim of developing realistic rules for an open market for telecommunications equipment in this country.

The primary aims of the Telecom Permit to Connect system are to maintain or improve the current standards of safety and network performance. As such, Telecom has no wish to restrict the availability of good products to its customers. The Permit to Connect system is intended to provide them with a guide as to the suitability of any equipment which they intend to connect to a Telecom network and to reduce the flow of poor quality telecommunications products into New Zealand.

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1.1 This Specification defines the general conditions for granting Telecom Permits to Connect for customer premises equipment which is intended to be connected to a Telecom network.

1.2 This Specification replaces CSA 5001, as issued by the New Zealand Post Office, but any equipment currently holding NZPO Type Approval will not be affected by the requirements of this Specification until formal notification has been given to the holders of such Approvals.

1.3 (1) All new customer premises equipment supplied by Telecom from the date of introduction of the PTC system will be subject to the requirements of this series of PTC Specifications.

• Because of the practical difficulty of marking all equipment now in service, and the fact that some older equipment may not be able to comply with all current requirements, Telecom does not propose to apply the PTC system to equipment now in service. This applies whether the equipment is provided by Telecom or any other supplier.

(2) As of the date of the introduction of the PTC system, any equipment not fitted with a "Telepermit" label and connected to a Telecom network must either have been supplied by Telecom or have been formally Type-approved by Telecom or the NZPO under the earlier system.

• Type-approved equipment should bear a standard format Type-approval label.

1.4 Any permission given by Telecom for the connection of equipment to its network is subject to this Specification and to any other Specification applying to that equipment.

1.5 Mode of presentation

(1) Those aspects of this Specification which are regarded as mandatory are printed in plain type with each clause formally numbered. Comments and recommendations which are added only as notes or as means of complying with this Specification are shown in italics in a smaller type. Such paragraphs are preceded with a "•" symbol and are not formally numbered.

(2) The clause headings and the comments and recommendations in this Specification are included for convenience only and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Specification.

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For the purpose of this Specification CCITT definitions will generally apply, but the following terms are separately defined.

Applicant: any person submitting an application for a Telecom Permit to Connect.

CCITT: International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (now ITU).

Customer: any person who has entered into a contract with Telecom for a network service which Telecom provides and includes any person using that service.

Customer Premises Equipment (or equipment): any telecommunications products or equipment intended to be used by a customer and to be connected to a Telecom network.

Holder: an applicant who has actually been granted a Permit to Connect for a particular item of equipment.

IANZ: International Accreditation New Zealand Ltd, established by The Testing Laboratories Registration Act, 1972, to accredit laboratories in New Zealand to carry out particular tests and certify their accuracy.

• IANZ maintains a register of the New Zealand laboratories which have been accredited for testing against particular specifications or classes of testing. IANZ also provides an enquiry service regarding the status of overseas laboratories, but may charge for actioning any enquiries which result in the need for special research.

Manufacturer: the actual manufacturer of the equipment for which a Permit to Connect has been applied for or has been granted.

Permit to Connect (or PTC): the Telecom authorisation which indicates that an item of equipment has met Telecom requirements under this Specification and is permitted to be connected to a Telecom network.

The term "PTC" in relation to permits has been replaced by "Telepermit" to clearly relate the permit to the Telecom network.

• It is a regulatory requirement that Declarations of Conformity are to be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce. Such declarations are no longer sought by Telecom, as supporting information for applications.

Recognised Testing Authority: any laboratory or testing organisation accredited by IANZ (previously IANZ) or accepted by Telecom to be capable of carrying out a test programme to one or more other PTC Specifications and to certify that an item of equipment meets Telecom's requirements for telecommunications performance or electrical safety.

• It is Telecom's intention that all laboratories carrying out testing to PTC Specifications will ultimately require to be registered by IANZ but, to enable existing facilities to be used to the best advantage, this requirement will not be strictly applied initially.

• Because each laboratory is registered for particular classes of testing work it may be necessary for a PTC applicant to deal with more than one laboratory to obtain all the required certificates of compliance for an item of equipment.

• IANZ carries out regular audits of the laboratories it registers and, to ensure that the laboratory is truly independent, such audits will not generally be undertaken by Telecom.

Sample: one or more units of a particular item of equipment (as defined in the relevant PTC Specification) which are to be submitted to a Recognised Testing Authority or to Telecom in support of an application for a PTC.

Supplier: any person or company or other body in the business of supplying to customers equipment which is capable of being connected to a Telecom network. A supplier will generally be an agent , distributor or retailer acting on behalf of a PTC holder.

Telecom: Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited, a duly incorporated company having its registered office in Wellington.

Telecom Network (or network): any of the telecommunications networks or links, including the actual line or circuit to which equipment is to be connected, provided by Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited for public or private use.

Telepermit Label: the label which is to be affixed to equipment which has been granted a Telecom Permit to Connect to indicate that it may be lawfully connected to a Telecom network.

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3.1 Related Specifications

PTC Specifications will be issued, as required, to detail the specific requirements for any particular type of equipment. Each particular PTC Specification must be read in conjunction with this Specification and with PTC 101.

• Telecom will advise applicants of the PTC Specifications and Codes of Practice which have been published and which apply to particular items of equipment.

3.2 Conflict of requirements

When considering any equipment for a PTC if, in the opinion of Telecom, there is conflict between the PTC Specification for any particular item of equipment and this Specification, then the requirements of that particular PTC Specification shall prevail. Where specific exclusions from the requirements of this Specification are granted by Telecom the details of such exclusions will be stated in the particular PTC Specification.

3.3 Availability of Specifications

The latest issue of any Specification may be obtained on request from Access Standards, subject to the payment of the appropriate fee for the document concerned.

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4.1 Connection to Network

Only equipment granted a PTC and clearly exhibiting the appropriate Telepermit label may be connected to a Telecom network.

4.2 Right to grant PTC

Telecom shall have the sole right to grant PTCs in connection with any network it operates in New Zealand, but may from time to time authorise any other party to grant PTCs on its behalf.

4.3 Conditions of granting PTC

A PTC will be granted for any equipment which has been shown to meet the minimum technical requirements laid down in the relevant PTC Specifications, subject to:-

(a) the provision of the necessary supporting data and compliance with this Specification by the applicant, and

(b) the equipment concerned in no way adversely affecting the correct functioning of Telecom's network and network support systems.

4.4 Telecom right of acceptance

Except where there is any question concerning the electrical safety of an item of equipment Telecom may, at its discretion, grant a PTC for equipment which does not fully comply with the relevant Specifications issued by Telecom at the time an application for a PTC is made.

4.5 PTC Register

Telecom will maintain a register listing all equipment for which PTC's have been issued. This register will be made available to the public. As a minimum, the register will list for each class of equipment the PTC number and its date of issue, the name of the PTC holder, the make and model of the equipment for which the PTC has been granted and any conditions which Telecom may stipulate to the grant of the PTC or to the connection of the equipment to a Telecom network.

4.6 Telepermit label format

Telecom will standardise the format and information presented on a PTC label and take steps to ensure that it is clearly recognisable by the public.

4.7 Testing

(1) All testing shall be carried out in strict conformance with the appropriate PTC Specifications.

(2) Other than for equipment covered by an agreed Limited Permit trial, final testing of equipment, as required by this Specification, shall be carried out only by a Registered Testing Authority, by Telecom, or by laboratories formally accredited by Telecom. In many cases some testing may already have been done by any laboratory or organisation having the necessary expertise and equipment. However, only where that laboratory has formal accreditation by IANZ or one of its affiliated overseas organisations to carry out the particular class of telecommunications or electrical safety testing will such test results generally be accepted without further confirmation.

• Telecom does not propose to repeat tests carried out by any Testing Authority formally registered by IANZ, but reserves the right to investigate potential problems with such laboratories where these problems are likely to affect the equipment concerned.

• Telecom also reserves the right to repeat tests carried out by those laboratories which have only informal Telecom approval until such time as such a laboratory gains IANZ registration.

(3) A Recognised Testing Authority may, at its discretion, accept the results of such preliminary testing when defining its own test programme.

(4) Electrical safety compliance testing may only be carried out by a laboratory formally accredited by IANZ or one of its affiliates, or by a laboratory accepted by the Ministry of Commerce.

(5) In circumstances it deems fit, Telecom may in its sole discretion waive the requirement for formal accreditation for any laboratory or organisation carrying out telecommunications testing.

4.8 Field trials and Limited Permit trials

In those cases where laboratory testing cannot cover all the conditions likely to be experienced during service, Telecom may provide the opportunity for limited permit trials or field trials of equipment for which a PTC application is either about to be made or has been made.

4.9 Statutory requirements

Notwithstanding the issue of a PTC by Telecom, the manufacturer, holder, or their agents are in no way given any immunity or indemnity in respect of any statutory or regulatory requirement.

4.10 Exclusive rights of holders

The grant of a PTC to a holder shall be exclusive to the holder and shall not extend to any other person or organisation or to equipment not supplied by the holder.

4.11 Non-exclusive right of supply

The grant of a PTC shall not of itself confer any exclusive proprietary or supply rights in the equipment to the holder.

4.12 Assignment of PTCs

The holder of a PTC shall not assign or dispose of or part with the PTC except with the express written consent of Telecom, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

4.13 Application of PTCs

(1) Other than for equipment lawfully connected to a Telecom network prior to the introduction of the PTC system and equipment of types formally excluded from the PTC system by Telecom, it shall not be permissible to connect or leave connected to a Telecom network any equipment:-

(a) for which a PTC has not been granted;

(b) Deleted

(c) for which the PTC has been cancelled;

(d) which does not comply with the conditions applicable for the grant of the PTC.

(2) Where a PTC has expired, equipment already connected to the Telecom network may remain connected, subject to compliance with any additional conditions set under the terms of clause 12.1.

4.14 Second-hand equipment

Where equipment is being sold or otherwise disposed of second-hand, the original PTC does not constitute permission to connect to a Telecom network where there is evidence to show that such equipment no longer complies with electrical safety requirements or that such equipment has been repaired or modified such that it no longer complies with the conditions for granting its PTC.

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