Telecom New Zealand
Telepermit Register

To search the Telepermit Register you must have the Telepermit number. This will be printed on a label which is usually on the back or the bottom of the item. The Telepermit number consists of three parts:

The first part is a three digit number which identifies the product category - e.g. 202 is for telephones,

The second part is the last two digits of the year in which the Telepermit was granted,

The third part is a sequence number - e.g. PTC 202/95/007 would be the 7th Telepermit for a telephone granted in 1995 (note that the sequence number is always three digits, so numbers less than 100 or 10 will have 1 or 2 zeroes inserted in front).

Telepermit Label

Part of the condition of a Telepermit grant is that the equipment displays a Telepermit Label. If a product does not display a Label then it does NOT have a Telepermit. Most Telecommunications equipment is manufactured in several versions depending upon which country it is intended for. The product marketing description will often remain the same despite the internal differences. It cannot be assumed that a product which does not have a Telepermit is suitable for connection in New Zealand on the basis of it having the same product name as one that is Telepermitted.

select the PTC series

Select the year Enter the number. single record
multiple (20) records

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